The Company manufactures the widest range of storage batteries in the world from 2.5 Ah to 20,400 Ah capacity, covering the broadest spectrum of applications. The Company has six factories strategically located across the country � two in Maharashtra, one in West Bengal, two in Tamil Nadu and one in Haryana. The Company�s predecessor carried on their operations as import house from 1916 under the name Chloride Electrical Storage Company. Thereafter, the Company started manufacturing storage batteries in the country and have grown to become one of the largest manufacturer and exporter of batteries in the sub-continent today. Exide separated from its UK-based parent, Chloride Group Plc., in 1989, after the latter divested its ownership in favour of a group of Indian shareholders. The Company has grown steadily, modernized its manufacturing processes and taken initiatives on the service front. Constant innovations have helped the Company to produce the world�s largest range of industrial batteries extending from 2.5 Ah to 15000 Ah and covering various technology configurations.