Founded on January 1, 2001, Ittiam Systems is Venture Capital funded.Ittiam Systems is singularly focused on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Systems.Its mission is to be the World's best DSP Software and Systems Company.Ittiam Systems has competencies in multiple end equipment domains, covering Wireless, Wireline, Speech/Audio, Imaging/Video.Ittiam Systems has capabilities in all aspects of DSP application development, including algorithm development, processor benchmarking and selection, optimized software implementation and reference board design.Ittiam Systems is engaged in the development of DSP systems, which will offer customers high quality differentiated products with a time to market advantage.Ittiam Systems undertakes product development for customer specifications, covering all or part of the steps in the overall product development cycle.Ittiam Systems is led by a team of professionals with over 130 years of experience in the management, development and marketing of high technology products.Ittiam Systems has a team of 90 DSP professionals. This team represents world class DSP talent, selected on the basis of a rigorous procedure with one offer made for every 500 applications.Ittiam Systems is headquartered in Bangalore, India, with offices in the US, UK and Taiwan and representation through Authorised Associates in the US, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore.