NIIT is a leading Global Talent Development Corporation, building skilled manpower pool for global industry requirements. The company which was set up in 1981, to help the nascent IT industry overcome its human resource challenges, has today grown to be amongst world�s leading talent development companies offering learning solutions to Individuals, Enterprises and Institutions across 40 countries.
NIIT�s Corporate Learning Solutions offers integrated learning solutions, including strategic consulting, learning design, content development, delivery, technology, assessment and learning management to Fortune 500 companies, Universities, Technology companies, Training corporations and Publishing houses. Element K, delivers learning solutions for customers and partners through a tailored combination of catalog learning products, technology, and services. The offerings include: v Lab�: hands-on labs, instructor-led course ware, comprehensive e-reference libraries, technical journals, and Knowledge Hub� , a hosted learning management platform. NIIT, together with Element K, is now the first and the best choice for comprehensive learning solutions, worldwide.