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JAMS Technologies is a software development company enabling enterprises to focus on their core business competencies, react faster to business change, increase efficiencies and improve customer service with reliable and cost efficient IT infrastructure. JAMS provide services in all the aspects of Software Development Life Cycle. JAMS specilises in developing software products used in Call Centres that are integrated with Cisco IP Contact Centre Product Suite.
JAMS Technologies is a software development company engaged in developing software products used in Call Centers that are integrated with Cisco IP Contact Centers Product Suite. JAMS provide services in all the aspects of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and thus enable enterprises to focus on their core business competencies, react faster to business change, increase efficiencies and improve customer service with reliable and cost efficient IT infrastructure.
Cisco CVP Studio by default ships with a number of default components built on the Voice Foundation Classes (VFC) API. The problem with these components is that they are on the whole very simplistic, and although they generally work very well for demo purposes or for small-scale applications, they have been found to be lacking in the required functionality when it comes to larger-scale and more complex applications.
The XpressWare suite provides a more powerful set of components than those which are provided with CVP Studio. The suite currently contains more than 60 individual components (and a multitude of support classes), some of which encapsulate a number of heuristic best-practices when creating speech self-service applications, and others that implement commonly required functions that can be utilized across a multitude of different application types.
Some components have been specifically designed for integration with 3rd Party vendor software, for example Nuance Verifier and Per Say Biometrics engines, and the Cap scan PAF database. XpressWare also incorporates speech grammars for a host of different application types and ASR vendors, for everything from simple digit string capture through to capturing names, postcodes and addresses. These grammars have also been implemented using speech best practices, incorporating many techniques which are proven to improve the recognition performance of a speech application.
Overall, the JAMS XpressWare suite provides CVP Studio developers with a much more powerful set of components, which not only reduces application development and testing time but also allows the developer to create better speech applications that will provide a more intuitive caller experience.
The XPressWare can be used with Nortel, Genesys, Avaya solutions where the Cisco Unified Studio editions provide the necessary adaptors for these platforms.
JAMS CVP Speech Framework - Framework for Cisco CVP Applications and Modules. Pre-built Call flow script packaged for certain repeatable applications e.g. Credit card payment. Front end to the caller components; payment validation components, etc.
Emergency Message Centre Application -Emergency message centre application for Cisco CVP. Allows you to record multiple messages; uploads the recording to media servers(for CVP) and activate/deactivate the message to be played to the caller.
Password Reset Application -Password reset application for Cisco CVP / IPIVR to reset your password in the backend application. Optional Integration with Active Directory available upon request.
Speech Dialer Application -Automated Speech dialer application for Cisco CVP looks up the name and then transfers the call to the relevant extension in other words an auto-reception.
ID & Verification Application -A package of Components for ID & Verification for the caller.
Speaker Verification Application -Biometrics based Speaker Verification application for Cisco CVP such as voice based verification. Can be used in combination of JAMIP ID & Verification application.
Payment Gateway Application -Payment Gateway application for Cisco CVP. Credit card prompt and collect component + a custom payment gateway integration component.
Biometric Dialogue Application -Biometric Dialogue is the adaptor for Cisco CVP to integrate into biometric server (VERIFIER VER4) from Nuance. Other integrations available upon request.
Network Communications Application -Network Communications application for FTP, copying files and similar network layer tasks.
XML and Web Services Communications Application -XML and Web Services Communications component for Cisco CVP to integrate with backend web services or applications that can handle XML.
Security Dialogue Application -Security Dialogue application for prompt, collect and confirmation of sensitive information.
First Name Capture Module -First Name Capture module for Cisco CVP useful for speech dialer.
Last Name Capture Module -Last Name Capture module for Cisco CVP useful for speech dialer.
Post Code Capture Module -UK Post code capture module for Cisco CVP.
Address Lookup Module -Address Lookup module for Cisco CVP based on speech recognition.
Geo-Coordinate Module -Geo-Coordinate (longitude & latitude) module for Cisco CVP useful to pin point a location on a map.
Number Plate Capture Module -Vehicle Number Plate Capture module using miliotary alphabets.
Mobile Voice Control Module -Using JAVA API and XML Mobile Voice Control module can deliver content services to mobile device.
Credit Card Details Capture Module -Speech based Credit Card Details Capture module for Cisco CVP that uses LUHN algorithm.
Telephone Number Capture Module -Telephone Number Capture module for Cisco CVP.
County Capture Module -County Capture module for Cisco CVP.
Resource Control Module -Load resources or dynamic config module for Cisco CVP.
Bank Account Capture Module -Bank Account Capture module for Cisco CVP.
Customer Reference Capture Module -Customer Reference Capture module for Cisco CVP.
Date Capture Module -Date Capture module for Cisco CVP with all the relevant combinations how people can provide date.
Time Capture Module -Time Capture module for Cisco CVP with all the relevant combinations how people can provide time.
Date Manipulation Module -Non-speech based Date Manipulation module for Cisco CVP.
Send Email Module -Send Email module for Cisco CVP.
Session Manipulation Module -Session Manipulation module for Cisco CVP.
HTTP Probe Module -HTTP Probe module pings/tests a HTTP server if its live.
Number Manipulation Module -Number Manipulation module for Cisco CVP.
Customized Say It Smart components -customized Say It Smart components for UK market module for Cisco
CVP mainly for Date, number and currency.
Operator Availability Module -Operator Availability module for Cisco CVP.
MIS Dialogue Reporting Module -MIS Dialogue Reporting module for Cisco CVP to write management
information into CSV, database.
Language Detection Module -Captures speech and detects the caller's language using biometric server.
TIBCO connector -Integration with TIBCO software.