MAHITI.ORG provides simple and affordable Information and Communication Technology services based on Free/Open Source Software to civil society. We specialize in multi-platform, multi-lingual web, intranet, multimedia and kiosk applications.
We have worked with 100 voluntary organisations over the last 6 years on various publishing, messaging, e-commerce, knowledge management, collaboration, and advocacy projects. We have also held numerous technical and non-technical trainings.
MAHITI started of as the IT department of SAMUHA. SAMUHA is a fifteen year old voluntary agency working in Karnataka. SAMUHA works in the areas of integrated rural development, HIV/AIDS, Disabilities, Natural Resource Management, Watershed Management, Geographic Information Systems, Micro-Credit, Education, Animal Husbandry.
MAHITI is registered as a Private Limited Company because it has no grant or donation based income. We provide subsidized services to small organizations and we charge large organizations regular market rates. All surplus generated by MAHITI is used for the objects of the organization. MAHITI is committed to keeping the central team small.