Speck defines its business domain as receiving, distributing, analyzing, interpreting, and using spatial information to provide situational awareness and decision support solutions, integrating a wide range of spatial information sources and sensors. The sources of spatial data and information include data and imagery from satellites, aerial & unmanned vehicles and ground based sensors.
Over the last two decades, Speck has acquired competencies in the field of electronics, optics, systems integration, communications, remote sensing, image processing, and geospatial information services. Based on these competencies, Speck has continuously innovated and today offers solutions to the armed forces, paramilitary forces and civilian users, which broadly fall under:
� Optoelectronic systems
� Communication Systems
� Software applications and Solutions
� Multi-Mission UAVs
� Integrated Mobile Shelters
� Geospatial Services and Solutions
With strong technology roots, absorption of technology from pre-eminent institutions and partnerships with leading companies is a constant Mantra. Speck looks to continuously broadbase its customers and increase the product and service range to its valued customers.
Speck's strength lies in its 400 strong experienced and skilled engineers and domain experts. Its six branches across the country ensure 24/7 customer support and service.
Speck has a strong presence in geospatial services and was among the first Indian company to export mapping and GIS services out of India. Speck formed a subsidiary in the year 2003-Speck SpatialTech Limited, to exclusively focus on domestic and international markets especially in non-defence areas.