A COMPUTER BASED ONLINE TEST FOR ADMISSION INTO B.Tech., BCA, BEM, AND FIVE YEAR INTEGRATED M.Sc., PROGRAMMES 2008-09 GITAM UNIVERSITYis established under section 3 the UGT Act, 1956 and it is an all-IndiaInstitute for higher education. Admissions to B.Tech., BCA, BEM andfive year integrated MSc. Degree programmes of GITM UNIVERSITY for theacademic year 2008-09 will be made on the basis of a computer basedonline test called ,GAT-2008' conducted by GITMA UNIVERSITY ,throughout the country from 15 April to 14 May 2008. B.Tech (4 year) 1. Biotechnology 2. Civil Engg. 3. Computer Science & Engg. 4. Electrcal & Electronics Engg. 5. Electronics & Commn Engg. 6. Electronics & Institute Engg. 7. Information Technology 8. Mechanical Engg. 9. Mechanical Engg. (Manufacturing and Management ) BCA (3Years) (Bachelor of Computer Application) BEM (3 Years) (Bachelor of Environmental Management) M.Sc (5 Year Integrated) in the following disciplines: 1. Applied Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Biochemistry 4. Biotechnology 5.Chemistry 6. Microbilogy Foradmission into all the above programmes, candidates should have passed10+2 examination form a recognized Central/State Board or itsequivalent either in 2008 or 2007 (but not before 2007) subject tosatisfying the following conditions. - B.Tech. Programmes (other than Biotechnology): A minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
- B.Tech. in Biotechnology: A minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in Mathematics or Biology, physics and chemistry.
- BCA: A minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry.
- BEM and 5 year integrated MSc. Programmes: A minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in Mathematics or Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
FirstRank Students of all the Central and State Boards in India for the Year2008 will be given direct admission to the programmers of their choice. (C ) Details of GAT- 2008: The online thest will be of two hours duration. It will be based onobjective type question with multiple choice. This test will beconducted at the following Centres: Bangalore,Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Delhi, Guntur, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai,Nagpur, Rajahmumdray, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam &Warangal. Details and Syllabus are available in the website: www.gitam.edu. GITAM UNIVERSITY Merit Scholarships will be given to top 100 rankers of GAT � 2008. Candidates can apply choosing one of the following methods: - Download the application formonline at www.gitam.edu. The filled-in application form along with a DDfor Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. 600/- for female candidates), drawn in favour ofGITAM UNIVESITY and payable at Visakhapatnam from any scheduled Bank,should be sent to the Director- Admission, GITAM UNIVERSITY and Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushilonda, Visakhapatnam � 53045,Andhra Pradesh.
- Application are also available at selected branches of Union Bank of India throughout India.
- Obtainthe application by post from Director-Admissions by sending a requeston plain paper giving the candidate's name with complete mailingaddress and accompanied by a DD for Rs. 1,100/- (Rs. 700/- for femaleCandidates) drawn in favor of GITAM UNIVERSITY and payable atVisakhapatnam. Requests by post will be accepted only till 5th March2008.
*Admission will be made on the basics of score obtained by the candidate in GAT-2008 and by following the rule of reservation of GITAM UNIVERSITY. *LAST DATE for receipt of completed application forms for GAT-2008: 5.00 PM on 15th March 2008.