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Home » List of Job Roles » Performance Mgmt Mgr

All Information about the Role of Performance Mgmt Mgr

Performance Mgmt Mgr work is Develop and implement an integrated HR platform which unites management of human capital with organizational goals Increase workplace productivity by developing systems to effectively align, engage, and retain people with exceptional skills and aptitudes to build a high performance organization that will meet H5�s current and future business needs Develop organizational savvy and a deep understanding of existing workplace culture; Assess work environment and culture to identify strengths on which to build and areas of change and improvement Build strong relationships with internal client groups; Act as advocate and subject matter expert to executive and management teams globally Conduct detailed assessments to determine and appropriate actions and interventions; Understand H5�s unique job designs, performance standards and expectations in addition to current HR systems and employment lifecycles Determine core competencies and critical success factors required to execute H5AP business plan; Recommend best practices for managing individual and team performance Acquire in-depth knowledge of the performance histories and contribution levels of incumbent team members with a focus on the identification of high potential employees Work collaboratively with functional managers to develop and implement retention strategies to engage, motivate and recognize employees while promoting continuous learning and development Drive the full lifecycle performance management process and champion performance standards and core values Guide the development of career paths and succession plans for each department Develop and implement orientation and assimilation strategies Work closely with recruitment and HR counterparts to advance complementary goals of promoting and sustaining organizational success Position H5 as employer of choice through strong cultural identity and competitive employment offerings Develop compensation and reward strategies to effectively distinguish top performers

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