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Home » Notifications » Admission notification for AIEEE 2011

Admission notification for AIEEE 2011

Notification Issued on :Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 The admission process broadly involves the following FOUR stages:

           i)Online registration

         ii)Online choice filling and locking

       iii)Online Seat Allotment and personally reporting to an Admission Center

        iv)Personally reporting to the Allotted Institute
1.1       ONLINE registration (June 8 to 23, 2010)

In this step, all candidates declared 'eligible' on the basis of AIEEE-2010 results are required to register ONLINE through Internet (www.ccb.nic.in) from places convenient to them.

Arrangement of Help Centers is being made at most of  the Participating Institutes for guiding the candidates.  Candidates may seek guidance at these institutes during working hours (normally 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM) and complete their registration, choice filling and locking.


The procedure to be followed is described below:

    Access the website www.ccb.nic.in and click on "Registration".

2.  The names of the two streams - Engineering and Architecture - will appear on the computer screen; click on the desired stream.

 3.  Register as a new candidate by clicking on "New candidate!! Register here" link. Read the instructions given on the screen and click on "Register".

 4.  Register by entering the information (as indicated in the AIEEE Admit Card) against the following fields:

            (a) Name

(b) Roll number

(c) Application number

(d) Date of Birth

Note: Candidate should ensure that, this data should be entered exactly as per AIEEE admit card. For name field, capital and small letters should be entered as printed in the Admit Card /Score Card. Corrections in the name, if any, can not be entered at this stage.

�       Candidates will be permitted to proceed with the registration process only if these data entered by them match the data as available with the AIEEE-2010 database of CBSE. The candidates will be required to key in a password.

�       The password must consist of EIGHT characters and must be a combination of alphabets (lower or upper case), numeric characters and special characters.  (Passwords are case sensitive. That means 'A' and 'a' will be treated as different characters.  An example of a valid password is: aBC1#23$  )

�       For subsequent logins, candidates will be able to login directly with their respective Roll Number as Login ID and the chosen password as Password.  Candidates should remember to log out at the end of their session so that the choices saved cannot be tampered with or modified by unauthorized persons.

�       Candidates are advised to record/remember their password for all future logins.

�       Candidates are advised not to disclose or share their password with anybody.  Neither CCB nor NIC is responsible for violation or misuse of the password of a candidate.

�       If a candidate forgets his/her password, the additional information provided by the candidate at the time of registration will be used to issue a new password. Hence, it is mandatory for every candidate to enter the required additional information as indicated in the registration form at the time of registration.

�       Candidates can change their passwords after login, if desired.


  5.  After login, the personal data of the candidates (as per the AIEEE-2010 data base) will  automatically appear on the screen.  Candidates must verify their personal data. In case of any discrepancy, candidates will be allowed only once to correct the data in respect of category, sub-category, etc. in the following ways:

�       Category can be changed from (SC/ST/OBC) to 'Open' but not vice versa.

�       Sub Category can be changed from SCPH to SC, STPH to ST, OBCPH to OBC and OPPH to OP, but not vice versa.

�       'State from which eligible' can be changed so as to be consistent with candidate's documents and certificates. (See Section 6.5)

�       Change of gender is permitted if wrongly mentioned.

�       Candidates must indicate their address for correspondence.  Candidates may also enter their phone number, mobile number, email id etc. These contact details should be entered correctly. CCB may need them for urgent communication with the candidate.

  6.  Changes in the following fields are not permissible under any circumstances

       Candidate's name

       Mother's name

       Father's name

       Date of birth

�                 Candidates can take a printout (hard copy) of the registration form containing the above personal data.

�                 It is solely the responsibility of the candidates to verify that their personal data, including category, subcategory, State of eligibility, gender etc. are consistent with documentary evidence. Change of category, sub category, gender etc. may result in change of status of the eligibility of a candidate as declared at the time of the AIEEE results.  CCB/NIC is not responsible for any omissions in the details and its consequences thereafter.

�                 If the personal data submitted / entered  by a candidate are found to be wrong at the time of verification of certificates either during reporting or at any later stage, the allotment of seat/provisional admission is liable to be cancelled.

�                 Once these personal data are verified and submitted, candidates will not be allowed to change the personal data under any circumstances.

1.2       ONLINE choice filling and locking (June 8 to 23, 2010)


In this step all the registered candidates are required to exercise their choices of  branches and institutes  in order of their preference for these branches / institutes. The procedure is detailed below:


1. The procedure for exercising choices and seeking pertinent information is guided through appropriate messages and tabs on the computer screen.


2.   Before the candidates can begin to fill in their choices, they will be required to read, and agree to abide by, the Terms and Conditions that govern this admission process. The candidates will click on the "I agree" check-box. Candidates will not be able to fill their choices unless they click on the "I agree" check-box.


3. As per the eligibility of the candidate, available seat information relating to institutions, disciplines (Engineering / Technology and Architecture / Planning), branches (e.g., Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, etc.) will be displayed.


4.  Candidates can fill in as much number of choices in the order of preference as they wish to from the list of available seats.


5. Candidates are permitted, if they so desire, to change or re-order their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices any number of times until they lock their final choices.  Choices should be positively locked before 5.00 PM of June 23, 2010.
1.2.1       Indicative seat availability (MOCK counselling) (June 8 to 23, 2010)

Based on the number of registered candidates who have submitted their choices at any given time, the system will be able to provide an idea of the seats that candidates may be offered. This indicative seat availability ('mock counselling') is to help the candidates to finalize the most appropriate choice of discipline, institution and branch given their rank, state and category.


The indicative seat availability will be displayed at regular intervals during June 8 to 23, 2010 on the CCB website.  Candidates are advised to visit the CCB website regularly for this purpose.


All candidates are strongly advised to register and fill their choices during the above period so that they get to know which seats are likely to be available to them.


The final allotment of seat, in the allotment rounds may be different than the indicative seat availability.
1.2.2       Locking of the choices (June 12 to 23, 2010)

Candidates MUST lock their choices only after they have finalized them but, in any case, before 5.00 PM of June 23, 2010. The locking of choices involves a few steps after the LOCK button is clicked. This includes, entering the password, confirming the locking etc. Candidate should follow all the steps carefully to complete the locking procedure.


After the choices are locked, candidates will not be able to change their choices.  A printable version of the choices along with the terms and conditions agreed by the candidate at the time of registration, is displayed once the choices are locked.  Candidates must take a printout (hard copy) of the locked choices, (which also contains terms and conditions) sign it and produce it at the time of reporting to the Admission Center.


If candidates fail to explicitly lock their choices by 5.00 PM of June 23, 2010, their last saved choices will be automatically locked after this deadline.  Candidates are therefore strongly advised to lock their choices themselves and secure a printout of these locked choices. Registered candidates who do not exercise any choices or fail to save them will not be considered for admission and seat allotment.  Candidates can login again after locking the choices; the locked choices will be displayed but cannot now be modified or altered.


NOTE  'Saving' a choice is NOT the same as 'locking' a choice.  A choice that is only saved but not locked can be retrieved later on and modified and the modified choice saved again if need be.  The old choice exercised earlier is lost.  But a choice that is locked cannot be modified and saved afresh.

1.3       ONLINE seat allotment

During this step, the choices submitted by the candidates will be processed centrally and seats will be allotted in the order of merit as per AIEEE AIR on the basis of the locked choices.  The allotment result will be available on the website www.ccb.nic.in . Individual allotment letters will not be sent to the candidates. However, candidates may get a printout of the allotment details from CCB website.  Candidates who are allotted seats will have to personally report to one of the Admission Centers.


Seat allotment will be done in many rounds. In the first round, all the seats will be allotted to the candidates and the result indicating the institution and the branch allotted will be available on the website.  In the second and third rounds, seats will be allotted against the available vacancies in the respective rounds, and the results will be available on the web site.  In the second and third rounds, no fresh choice filling will be permitted;  registered candidates will not be allowed to alter or resubmit their choices. After the third round, all the candidates who have been allotted seats (in whichever round) will have to report to the Admission Center (Option I candidates and all those candidates allotted a seat for the first time in the third round) and / or to the Allotted Institute (all Option II and III candidates).


The counselling / admission procedure after the third round of allotment requires actions by the candidates depending on what Option (I or II or III) they had exercised earlier.  Please read Section 4.3 very carefully for details.
1.3.1       All India (AI)  and Home State (HS) quotas

A candidate who is offered a branch in an institute under the home state quota will be considered for the same branch and institute but under All India quota in subsequent rounds subject to availability of vacant seats.  Similarly, a candidate who is offered a seat under SC/ ST/ OBC category and/or PH sub-category shall be considered for allotment in OP category in subsequent rounds subject to eligibility and availability of vacant seats.
1.3.2       Cancellation of allotted seat

Candidates who, at any stage, cancel their provisional admission will not be considered for subsequent rounds of seat allotment.
1.3.3       Minimum educational qualifications

If candidates fail to satisfy the minimum educational qualifications prescribed (10 + 2 or equivalent), their allotment of the seat shall automatically stand cancelled and such candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds, if any.
1.4       Reporting to Admission Center for provisional admission

Candidates who get a seat allotment for the first time in 1st, 2nd , or 3rd round shall report to any  Admission Center within the dates stipulated for that round for taking the provisional admission. Generally, the reporting time at all the Admission Centers is 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM. The reporting procedure for provisional admission is as follows:
1.4.1       Document verification

Candidates shall carry the following documents at the time of reporting to the Admission Center:

1.     Printout of locked choices and terms and conditions taken from the CCB website and duly signed by the candidate.

2.     Originals for verification

                                                         i.     Admit Card of AIEEE-2010.

                                                       ii.     Score Card issued by CBSE.

                                                     iii.     Class X (High School) Board Certificate as proof of date of birth.

                                                     iv.     Pass Certificate and Marks sheet of qualifying examination. (See Section 6.4 for the list of qualifying exams)

                                                       v.     Certificate of category (OBC / SC / ST), if applicable, issued by the competent authority

                                                     vi.     Certificate for Physically Challenged (PH)

                                                   vii.     Passport, if the candidate has passed the qualifying examination from outside India; this is required  for determining  the 'State from which eligible'.

                                                 viii.     Proof of place of examination Center of the final examination from the National Open School for candidates having Senior Secondary Certificate; this is required  for determining the 'State from which eligible'.

3.     Two sets of self-attested copies of all the documents listed above. The originals will be returned after verification and self-attested copies will be retained by the Admission Center.

4.     Two passport size photographs identical to the one pasted on the AIEEE 2010 application form.


Note: If the original certificates are not in Hindi / English, duly certified Hindi / English version / translation of such certificates will be required.       Verification of credentials

If the personal data viz. category, subcategory, state of eligibility and gender submitted by the candidates at the time of registration is found to be wrong at the time of verification of the original certificates at Admission Centers, the allotment of their seats is liable to be cancelled.

Candidates applying under Physically Challenged (PH) category should read Section 7.3 of this brochure carefully.       Norms for updating candidate's personal data

After obtaining the relevant undertaking from the candidate, the personal data pertaining to category, sub-category, etc. will be updated where necessary in the following ways:

�       Category can be updated from (SC/ST/OBC) to Open but not vice versa.

�       Sub-category can be updated from SCPH to SC, STPH to ST, OBCPH to OBC and OPPH to OP, but not vice versa.

�       'State from which eligible' as per the qualifying examination can be updated.

�       Update of gender is permitted, if it is wrongly mentioned.


Change of category, sub category, gender etc. may result in change of status of the eligibility of a candidate as declared at the time of the AIEEE results.


Modification in the candidate's name, mother's name, father's name, date of birth, or change of category from OP to SC/ST/OBC, SC to ST, ST to SC, OBC to SC/ST, SC/ST to OBC, SC to SCPH, ST to STPH, OBC to OBCPH and OP to OPPH shall not be permitted under any circumstances.


Seat allotment is liable to be cancelled, if the candidate becomes ineligible for the currently allotted seat due to updated personal data. But, if the candidate is found to be eligible based on updated personal data, the candidate may be considered for subsequent allotment rounds, if any, against the vacancies only.       Consequences of not reporting to the Admission Center

The allotment of seats to candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the Admission Center will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds.

1.4.2       Payment of initial fee

Candidates belonging to the OP, OPPH, OBC and OBCPH categories shall pay an initial fee of Rs.35,000/- (Rupees thirty five thousand only) and those belonging to SC, SCPH, ST and STPH categories, Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand only) at the Admission Center for provisional admission. The payment is to be made through Demand Drafts only.  This initial fee payment is to be made through two demand drafts. OP, OPPH, OBC and OBCPH candidates shall bring one DD for Rs.1,000/- and the other for Rs. 34,000/- . SC, SCPH, ST and STPH candidates shall bring one DD for Rs.1,000/- and the other for Rs. 24,000/-.  The demand drafts are to be drawn in favour of "Chairman, CCB � 2010", payable at Nagpur.  This initial fee would be adjusted towards the total fee payable by the candidates at the Allotted Institutes.

1.4.3       Exercising Options pertaining to higher preference choices

 Candidates will be required to exercise one of the following Options when they report to the Admission Center:

Option-I, if they wish to be considered in the next round for all of their higher preference choices (i.e. even across institutes).

Option-II, if they wish to be considered in the next round for their higher preference choices only within the Institute allotted to them.

Option-III, if they are satisfied with the currently allotted seat; therefore their higher preference choices will not be considered in the subsequent round(s).

Candidates, who have already taken the provisional admission in the first round, can change their Options only once, between July 5 and 9, 2010. Only the following changes in Option are permitted:

Table 3.1 Permitted changes of Option



Option I

Option II

Option I

Option III

Option II

Option III


For this change in Options, candidates will have to approach the same Admission Center, which had issued the provisional admission letter to them. The procedure for reporting to the Admission Center for exercising the change in Options is explained in Section 3.5.


If a candidate who has already taken provisional admission, gets a seat that has a higher preference in his / her list of choices, in any round of allotment, the candidate will automatically forego his/her claim on the seat previously allotted - i.e. the candidate cannot have the liberty of choosing between the seats allotted in successive rounds.
1.4.4       Issue of Provisional Admission Letter

Whenever a candidate gets a seat allotment for the first time in any of the rounds, provisional admission letter will be issued at the Admission Center after completion of reporting formalities. This provisional admission letter shall indicate the personal details of the candidate, details of the institution and branch to which the candidate has been provisionally admitted, details of initial fee payment and the Option (Option I or II or III) exercised by the candidate for subsequent rounds of allotment.

The candidate shall check all the entries in this provisional admission letter, sign it and preserve it for further reference.

All the candidates, who have obtained provisional admission letter from the Admission Center, shall check on the CCB website the status / up-gradation of their allotted seat after each fresh round of allotment. They should take a printout of the letter indicating new allotment as available on the website. At the time of reporting to the Allotted Institute, candidates shall carry both, the original provisional letter issued by the Admission Center and a printout of the latest allotment letter from the CCB website.
1.4.5       Multiple Allotment (Engineering and Architecture streams)

Candidates who are allotted seats in both Engineering and Architecture streams in the same round, will be given the choice to retain any one of the two allotments; the other allotment shall automatically stand cancelled and the candidate will not be considered for subsequent allotment rounds in that stream.

If a candidate takes provisional admission against an allotted seat in one of the streams in a particular round and gets a seat allotment for the other stream in a subsequent round, then at the time of reporting for the seat allotted in subsequent round, the other allotment shall automatically stand cancelled and the candidate will not be considered for subsequent allotment rounds in that stream.
1.5       Reporting to the Admission Center for change of Options

Candidates, who have taken the provisional admission in the first round, can change  their Options after the second round of allotment (i.e. from July 5 to 9, 2010). For this purpose, candidates shall personally report to the same Admission Center from where provisional admission letter was issued. Generally, the reporting time at all the Admission Centers is 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM. The procedure for change of Options is as follows:


1.     Candidates must submit the original provisional letter issued in the first round by the Admission Center.

2.     Candidates must produce for verification, the Admit Card / Scorecard of AIEEE-2010 issued by CBSE. Candidates shall fill in and sign the form for change of Option.

3.     A new provisional admission letter with the modified Option will be issued by the Admission Center.

Those who are not interested to change the Option, need not report. Their Option submitted earlier will be considered in the subsequent round of allotment.
1.6       Reporting of Option I candidates to Admission Center again after third round

Those who participated in third round as Option I candidates and are not happy with their allotted seat after the third round, but wish to remain under consideration for admission, shall report to same Admission Center from July 12 to 15, 2010, where provisional admission was taken. These candidates will submit a written request that they be allowed to modify their branch and institute choices, and to participate in an additional (i.e. fourth) round of allotment. However, for availing this facility, these candidates shall surrender all claims on the seat currently allotted to them, as they are not satisfied with the allotment. The procedure is as follows

1.     Candidates must submit the original provisional letter issued in the earlier round by the Admission Center.

2.     Candidates must produce for verification, the Admit Card / Score card of AIEEE-2010 issued by CBSE.

3.     Candidates shall fill in and sign the undertaking and request for unlocking of choices.

4.     Upon receiving their written request and undertaking, the Admission Center will unlock their choices.

5.     Candidate will be given a receipt letter, containing details of initial fee paid. The candidate must preserve this receipt letter for further reference.

Generally, the reporting time at all the Admission Centers is 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM.
1.7       Reporting to the Allotted Institute

After the third round of allotment, all Option II and Option III candidates and those of Option I candidates who are (after the third round) satisfied with the seats allotted to them, shall report to the respective Allotted Institute. If further rounds of seat allotment are required, all the candidates getting a seat allotted in any of these rounds shall report directly to their Allotted Institute only. Generally, the reporting time at all the Allotted Institutes is 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM. The reporting procedure at the Allotted Institute is as follows:
1.7.1       Document verification

Candidates shall carry the following documents at the time of reporting to the Allotted Institute:

1. Provisional admission letter or receipt letter issued at the Admission Center
(applicable to only those who had reported at Admission Centers in earlier rounds)

2.                     Printout of locked choices and terms and conditions duly signed by the candidate.

(Applicable to those getting seat allotment for the first time in fourth and subsequent rounds)

3.Originals for verification

                                                         i.     Admit Card of AIEEE-2010.

                                                       ii.     Score Card of AIEEE 2010 issued by CBSE.

                                                     iii.     Class X (High School) Board Certificate as proof of date of birth.

                                                     iv.     Pass Certificate and Marks sheet of qualifying examination. (See Section 6.4 for the list of qualifying exams)

                                                       v.     Certificate of category (OBC / SC / ST), if applicable, issued by the competent authority

                                                     vi.     Certificate for Physically Challenged (PH)

                                                   vii.     Passport, if the candidate has passed the qualifying examination from outside India; this is required  for determining  the 'State from which eligible'.

                                                 viii.     Proof of place of examination Center of the final examination from the National Open School for candidates having Senior Secondary Certificate; this is required  for determining the 'State from which eligible'.


4.   Two sets of self-attested copies of all the documents listed above. The originals will be returned after verification and the Allotted Institute will retain self-attested copies.


5.  Two passport size photographs identical to the one pasted on the AIEEE 2010 application form.


Note: If the original certificates are not in Hindi / English, duly certified Hindi / English version / translation of such certificates will be required.       Verification of credentials

If the personal data viz. category, subcategory, state of eligibility and gender submitted by the candidates at the time of registration is found to be wrong at the time of verification of the original certificates at Allotted Institutes, the allotment of their seats is liable to be cancelled.

Candidates applying under Physically Challenged (PH) category should read Section 7.3 of this brochure carefully.       Norms for updating personal data of candidates reporting directly to allotted institute

After obtaining the relevant undertaking from the candidate, the personal data pertaining to category, sub-category, etc. will be updated where necessary in the following ways:

�       Category can be updated from (SC/ST/OBC) to Open but not vice versa.

�       Sub-category can be updated from SCPH to SC, STPH to ST, OBCPH to OBC and OPPH to OP, but not vice versa.

�       'State from which eligible' as per the qualifying examination can be updated.

�       Update of gender is permitted, if it is wrongly mentioned.


Change of category, sub category, gender etc. may result in change of status of the eligibility of a candidate as declared at the time of the AIEEE results.


Modification in the candidate's name, mother's name, father's name, date of birth, or change of category from OP to SC/ST/OBC, SC to ST, ST to SC, OBC to SC/ST, SC/ST to OBC, SC to SCPH, ST to STPH, OBC to OBCPH and OP to OPPH shall not be permitted under any circumstances.


Seat allotment is liable to be cancelled, if the candidate becomes ineligible for the currently allotted seat due to updated personal data. But, if the candidate is found to be eligible based on updated personal data, the candidate may be considered for subsequent allotment rounds, if any, against the vacancies only.       Consequences of not reporting to the Allotted Institute

The allotment of seats to candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the Allotted Institute will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds.

1.7.2        Payment of tuition fee

Candidates who have already taken the provisional admission and have paid the initial fee at the Admission Center shall pay the remaining amount of the tuition fee (as applicable to OP / OBC / SC / ST candidates as the case may be) at the Allotted Institute. Candidates, who have been allotted a seat for the first time in the 4th  or subsequent rounds, shall pay the full tuition fee. Tuition fee will have to be paid by cheque/cash/DD as per the rules of the Allotted Institute. The cheques or DDs in these cases should NOT be drawn in favour of Chairman CCB-2010.

1.7.3       Choice of branches within the Allotted Institute

At the time of reporting, candidates, if they so desire, may give their choices of branches within the Allotted Institute, which will be considered for the subsequent rounds of allotment. For this purpose, the candidates shall fill in a form, indicating their choices of branches within the Allotted Institute. The admission in-charge at the allotted institute, will submit these choices ONLINE. A printout of these choices will be obtained and will be signed by both, the candidate and also the admission in-charge. Choices once submitted cannot be altered or dropped subsequently.


If a candidate gets, in any round of allotment, a seat that has a higher preference in his / her list of choices of branches, the candidate will automatically forego his/her claim on the seat previously allotted - i.e. the candidate cannot have the liberty of choosing between the seats allotted in successive rounds.

2.1       First round of allotment (June 25, 2010)

The branch and institute choices saved / locked by the candidates between June 8 and 23, 2010, will be processed centrally and the results will be available on the website www.ccb.nic.in on June 25, 2010.  No individual allotment letters will be sent to candidates who get a seat allotment.


Candidates who get a seat allotment shall personally report to any one of the Admission Centers, for taking provisional admission between June 26 to July 2, 2010. The allotment of seats to candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the Admission Center will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds.  The seats thus falling vacant (hereinafter called 'vacant seats') will be considered for allotment in the subsequent rounds of allotment.


A candidate needs to report to any one of the Admission Centers. However, for subsequent actions like change of Option, cancellation etc. the candidate will have to report to the same Admission Center where provisional admission was taken.  The reporting procedure at the Admission Center is given in Section 3.4.

2.2       Second round of allotment (July 4, 2010)

The second round of seat allotment will be made against vacant seats available after the first round of allotment and reporting.


Eligible candidates for allotment against vacant seats fall into one of the following two groups:


Group�I: Registered candidates who were not allotted any seats in the first round of seat allotment.


Group�II: Candidates who gave Option I or Option II during the reporting of the first round of allotment.


The choices that were submitted by these candidates (belonging to whichever group) will be processed centrally and the results will be available on the website www.ccb.nic.in  on July 4, 2010.


Such of those candidates of Group � I who get a seat allotment in this round shall personally report to an Admission Center from July 5 to 9, 2010 for provisional admission. The allotment of seats to candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the Admission Center will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds. The reporting procedure at the Admission Center for provisional admission is given in Section 3.4.


Candidates of Group � II may get a seat of higher preferred choice or their previously allotted seat may remain unchanged. Candidates who wish to change their Option for subsequent rounds shall approach the same Admission Center from where they were issued the provisional admission letter. The procedure for reporting to the Admission Center for modifying Options is given in Section 1.5.  Candidates should note that only the following Option changes are allowed: Option I to Option II, Option I to Option III and Option II to Option III.


Such of those candidates of Group � II, who do not wish to modify the Option exercised in the earlier round, shall not approach the Admission Center. They shall wait for the next round of allotment.

2.3       Third round of allotment (July 11, 2010)

The third round of seat allotment will be made against vacant seats available after the second round of allotment and reporting. Candidates eligible for allotment of seats against vacancies  fall into one of the following two groups:


Group�I: Registered candidates who were not allotted any seats in the first two rounds of seat allotment.


Group�II: Candidates who gave Option I or Option II during the reporting of the first or second round of allotment.


The choices that were submitted by the candidates (falling in whichever group) will be processed centrally and the results will be available on the website www.ccb.nic.in  on July 11, 2010.


Such of those candidates of Group I who get a seat allotment in this round shall personally  report to an Admission Center for provisional admission  between July 12 and 15, 2010. The allotment of seats to candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the Admission Center will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds. The reporting procedure at the Admission Center for provisional admission is given in Section 1.4.


Candidates of Group � II may get a seat of higher preferred choice or their previously allotted seat may remain unchanged.

2.3.1       Who should report to Allotted Institute?

After third round of allotment, all those candidates who participated in third round as Option II or Option III candidates shall report to the allotted institute from July 16 to 19, 2010, failing which the seat allotted to them will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds. Reporting procedure to allotted institute is described in Section 3.7.


Those candidates who participated in third round as Option I candidates and are satisfied with their allotted seat or allotted institute after the third round, shall also report to the allotted institute from July 16 to 19, 2010, failing which their seat allotment will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds, if any. Reporting procedure to allotted institute is described in Section 3.7.

Classes will begin at all the Participating Institutes on July 20, 2010.

2.3.2       Who should report again to the Admission Center?

Those who participated in third round as Option I candidates and are not satisfied with their allotted seat after the third round, but wish to remain under consideration for admission, shall report to same Admission Center from July 12 to 15, 2010, where provisional admission was taken. These candidates will submit a written request that they be allowed to modify their branch and institute choices, and to participate in an additional (i.e. fourth) round of allotment. However, for availing this facility, these candidates shall surrender all claims on the seat currently allotted to them, as they are not satisfied with the allotment.

Upon receiving their written request and undertaking, the Admission Center will unlock their choices. Candidates can then modify their choices on or before July 19, 2010. These candidates shall lock their modified choices on or before July 19, 2010. These candidates can use Help Center facility from July 16 to 19, 2010, to get access to Internet for filling, submitting and locking their modified choices. The candidates must take a printout of the locked choices.

If candidates fail to explicitly lock their choices by 5.00 PM of July 19, 2010, their last saved choices will be automatically locked after this deadline.  Candidates are therefore strongly advised to lock their choices themselves and secure a printout of these locked choices. Candidates can login again after locking the choices; the locked choices will be displayed but cannot now be modified or altered.
2.3.3       Cancellation of seat allotment due to non-reporting

Candidates who, having a seat allotment (in round 1 or 2 or 3), do not report either to the Allotted Institute or to Admission Center after third round of allotment, will have to forego seats allotted to them and will not be considered for any subsequent round of seat allotment. Hence, they are out of CCB admission process.

2.3.4       Modification of choices for unallotted candidates upto third round

Candidates (falling in Group I) who did not get any seat upto third round of allotment, can modify their choices from any place of convenience between July 12 to 19, 2010. Their previous choices will get automatically unlocked on July 12, 2010. They shall not approach any Admission Center for unlocking their choices. However, they can avail Help Center facilities from July 16 to 19, 2010 to use the Internet to modify their choices and take a printout of the locked choices. If candidates fail to explicitly lock their choices by 5.00 PM of July 19, 2010, their last saved choices will be automatically locked after this deadline.  Candidates are therefore strongly advised to lock their choices themselves and secure a printout of these locked choices. Registered candidates who do not exercise any choices or fail to save them will not be considered for admission and seat allotment.  Candidates can login again after locking the choices; the locked choices will be displayed but cannot now be modified or altered.
2.4       Fourth round of allotment (July 22, 2010)

In an attempt to fill in seats that may still remain vacant after three rounds of allotment, a fourth round of allotment may be conducted.  Candidates eligible for seat allotment in this round fall into one of the following three groups:


Group�I: Registered candidates who did not get any seat allotment in the first three rounds.  These candidates may have already modified their choices from July 12 to 19, 2010.


Group�II: Candidates who, having a seat allotment, did not report to the Allotted Institute after the third round but asked for the facility to remain in contention for admission. (i.e., those who reported to Admission Center after third round of allotment)


Group-III: Candidates who reported to the Allotted Institute and who indicated their preference order for branches within the Institute.


 The branch / institute choices saved / locked by candidates (as above) will be processed centrally as per their AIEEE 2010 AIR and choices, in a manner similar to the first three rounds, and the results of this extra round (i.e. the fourth round) will be available on the website www.ccb.nic.in on July 22, 2010.  Candidates falling in Group II should specifically note that, depending on their AIR and modified choices, they may or may not get a seat in this round of allotment.


Candidates of Group I and Group II who get a seat allotment in this round shall personally report directly to the Allotted Institute between July 22 and 27, 2010.  The reporting procedure at the Allotted Institute is indicated in Section 3.7 of this brochure. The allotment of seats to candidates who do not personally report within the stipulated period to the Allotted Institute will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds, if any.


Candidates of Group III, who are already at the allotted institute and are attending the classes since July 20, 2010, shall check on the website if their branch is upgraded or not, and contact the Admission In-charge of their institute for further instructions.

2.5   Fifth round of allotment (August 3, 2010)

Candidates reporting to the Allotted Institute after the fourth round will be allowed to indicate their preference order for branches within the Institute. An 'internal sliding' will be carried out in each of the Participating Institutes among those who have joined that institute.  This processing too will take place centrally. The list of vacancies, if any, will be displayed on the website www.ccb.nic.in on July 29, 2010, and choices of only those registered candidates who did not get a seat allotment in the earlier rounds, will be automatically unlocked.  The choices filled in for earlier rounds will be deleted.  These candidates may fill in their fresh choices against the declared vacancies and lock the choices before 5.00 PM of August 1, 2010.  They can avail Help Center facilities from July 29 to August 1, 2010 and use the Internet to fill their fresh choices and take a printout of the locked choices. If candidates fail to explicitly lock their choices by 5.00 PM of August 1, 2010, their last saved choices will be automatically locked after this deadline.  Candidates are therefore strongly advised to lock their choices themselves and secure a printout of these locked choices. Registered candidates who do not exercise any choices or fail to save them will not be considered for admission and seat allotment.  Candidates can login again after locking the choices; the locked choices will be displayed but cannot now be modified or altered.


The result of the fifth round of allotment will be displayed on the website www.ccb.nic.in on August 3, 2010.  Candidates who may be allotted seats in this round shall personally report directly to the Allotted Institute between August 3 and 7, 2010.  The procedure for reporting to the Allotted Institute is given in Section 3.7 of this brochure. The allotment of seats to candidates who do not personally report within the stipulated period to the Allotted Institute will stand cancelled.


Candidates, who are already at the allotted institute and are attending the classes, shall check on the website if their branch is upgraded or not, and contact the Admission In-charge of their institute for further instructions.



    A candidate, who takes provisional admission by reporting at an Admission Center but does not report to the Allotted Institute, will have to personally report for refund at the same Admission Center (where provisional admission was taken) on or before July 27, 2010. The candidate will get a refund of Rs. 34,000 (for OP,OPPH, OBC and OBCPH candidates) / Rs. 24,000 (for SC, SCPH, ST and STPH candidates).
    A candidate, who reports to the Allotted Institute but cancels the admission on or before July 27, 2010, will get the refund from allotted institute in due course of time. After deducting Rs. 1000, the candidate would get refund of the remaining part of the fees paid till that point of time.
    A candidate, who reports to the Allotted Institute and cancels the admission after July 27, 2010 is not eligible for any refund. However, should CCB conduct any admission round after August 7, 2010, refund to such candidates will be governed by the rules of the Allotted Institute.
    Cancellations and refunds will be done only during the dates and time stipulated for reporting.

4.1       Academic Qualifications

The academic qualifications as prescribed in Information Bulletin and Application Form of AIEEE-2010 are applicable for this counselling. These are reproduced below.

    The minimum academic qualification for admission through AIEEE-2010 is a pass in the final examination of 10+2 (Class XII), or its equivalent, referred to as the qualifying examination. Those appearing in 10+2 (Class XII) final, or equivalent, examination and whose results are not declared may also appear in counselling. Such candidates will be admitted provisionally, subject to the submission of proof of passing in qualifying examination latest by September 15, 2010 at the allotted institution. In case they fail to comply with this deadline for providing the proof of passing in the qualifying examination, their admission will stand cancelled.
    Subject combinations required in the qualifying examination for admission to B.E. / B.Tech and B.Arch. / B.Planning Courses shall be as under (Table 6.1):

Table 6.1 Subject Combinations in the Qualifying Examination



Any one of the Optional Subjects

B.E. / B.Tech.*

Physics & Mathematics

Chemistry, Bio-technology, Computer Science, Biology

B.Arch. / B. Planning**

Mathematics with 50% marks in aggregate at 10+2 level



*This is as per decision of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

** Provisionally as per the orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and directive received from Ministry of Human Resource Development.

The number of attempts which a candidate can avail at All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination shall be limited to 03 (three) uniformly for all the candidates in consecutive years. The candidates passed 10+2 to exam in 2008, 2009 or appearing in +2 in 2010 are only eligible to appear in AIEEE-2010. Candidates passed 10+2 in 2007 or before or appearing in 2011 are not eligible to appear in AIEEE-2010.

4.2       Date of Birth

Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after October 1, 1985 are eligible for admission. However, in the case of Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Physically Challenged (PH) candidates, upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years. Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board class X (High School) certificate only will be considered as authentic.

4.3       Restrictions on Qualifications, Gender, Age and Categories

There are some restrictions over and above the eligibility requirements as given in 6.1 some Institutions / Branches as detailed in the Table 6.2:


Table 6.2 Restrictions on Qualifications, Gender, Age and Categories


Institution / Branch



Maximum age limit





VNIT Nagpur  /

 Mining Engineering

M / F


Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

PH not permitted


NIT Raipur /

Mining Engineering

M  / F


Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

PH not permitted


NIT, Rourkela /

 Mining Engineering

M / F


Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

PH not permitted


NIT Surathkal  /

 Mining Engineering

M / F


Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

PH not permitted


IICT Bhadohi /

Carpet  & Textile Technology

M/ F


Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

PH permitted except



J.K. Institute, Allahabad University


M / F

All Category

I.Sc. (PCM) or equivalent Min. 60% in aggregate. for OP / OBC and 55% for SC & ST candidates


Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



Mizoram Univ ersity, Tanhril, Aizawl  /


M / F


At least 50% marks in aggregate in 10+2 examination having Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (relaxable by 5% for SC/ST candidates)

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



Tezpur University, Tezpur


M / F

All Category

10 + 2 pass with at least 50% marks (45% for SC / ST) in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and pass marks in English

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



Assam University, Silchar /

Agricultural Engineering

M / F

All Category

50% in grand total in 10+2 with subject combination of  Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology (45% for SC / ST/OBC/PH)

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



Assam University, Silchar /

Information Technology

M / F

All Category

50% in grand total in 10+2 with subject combination of  Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

(45% for SC / ST/OBC/PH)

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



BIT, Mesra,

Ranchi � 835215 /

B. Arch



M / F

All Category

Candidates for B.Arch. must have passed in English and Mathematics, and other 3 subjects as per AIEEE norms in Class 12 / equivalent examination with minimum 60% marks (50% for SC/ST).

Marks in Class 12 to be computed as average of best 5 subjects including English, Mathematics and other 3 subjects as per AIEEE norms.


Maximum age limit for admission is 21 years as on 01.10.2010 (26 years for SC/ST candidates)




BIT, Mesra,

Ranchi � 835215 /



BIT Extension Centre, Patna /



BIT Extension Centre, Deoghar / B.E.


M / F

All Category

Candidates for B.E. must have passed in English, Physics, Mathematics and other 2 subjects as per AIEEE norms in Class 12 / equivalent examination, with minimum 60% (50% for SC/ST) marks.

Marks in Class 12 to be computed as average of best 5 subjects including English, Physics, Mathematics and other 2 subjects as per AIEEE norms.


Maximum age limit for admission is 21 years as on 01.10.2010 (26 years for SC/ST candidates)




Sir Padampat Singhania University   /           All Branches




M / F

All Category

Candidates should have passed 10+2 science or equivalent examination from a recognized board, securing 50% marks

Be born on or after June 30th 1988



Jayoti Vidyapeth Women's University, Jaipur /

All Branches



All Category

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



Gurukul Kangari Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar /

All Branches


All Category

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin

Same as AIEEE-2010 Information Bulletin



Note: (1) The software may not be able to stop submission of choices not allowed as per restrictions stated in this table. Efforts have been made to warn about such restrictions for admission through pop-up messages whenever the institution / branch is clicked by a candidate. Candidates must read these restrictions carefully and they should not submit choices if they find themselves not eligible as per the restrictions given herein. If they fail to follow these instructions, even after formal issue of the allotment letter, the admission would be denied by that institution and responsibility for the same would lie exclusively with them. The Central Counselling Board would not be responsible for denial of admission in such cases.

        (2) Female Candidates for Mining Courses: Section 46 (1) of the Mines Act, 1952 states that "No woman shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, be employed (a) in any part of a mine which is below ground, (b) in any mine above ground except between the hours 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.".


4.4       List of Qualifying Examinations

            i.     The 10+2 level examination of any recognized Central / State Board of Secondary Examination, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.

          ii.     Intermediate or two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board / University.

        iii.     Final Examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defense Academy.

         iv.     Any Public School / Board / University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system.

           v.     H.S.C. Vocational Examination.

         vi.     A pass grade in the Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects. Proof of place of examination Center of the final examination from the National Open School will be required for determination of State of Eligibility.

         vii.     3 or 4-year diploma recognized by AICTE or a State Board of Technical Education.
4.5       State of Eligibility

�       State of eligibility for allotment to the Home State quota, is based on the state from which candidate has passed 10+2 or qualifying examination.

�       For National Open School examination, state of eligibility will be decided based on the state where the final examination center is located.

�       In the case of NRI candidates, state of eligibility is decided based on the permanent address mentioned in their passports.

�       In case of candidate appearing for improvement or compartment exam from the state different from that of the first main examination, the candidate's state of eligibility remains the same as that of the first main examination.



Some seats in NITs, other Centrally Funded Institutions and some Deemed Universities are reserved for OBC, SC, ST and PH candidates.

The category of a candidate (OBC/SC/ST) for purposes of central counselling will be determined only by AIEEE 2010 records. OBC candidates will have to satisfy the caste and Creamy Layer requirements detailed on the following websites of National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC): (a) http://ncbc.nic.in/backward-classes/index.html
               (b) http://ncbc.nic.in/html/creamylayer.html

5.1       Category Rules


There are four vertical categories, namely, Open (OP), Other Backward Class (OBC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Scheduled Caste (SC). In addition, there is only one horizontal reservation for Physically Challenged (PH). If a candidate is found to possess an invalid certificate of category he / she will be assigned a new category as detailed in Table 7.1.




Note: The Social Welfare Department of Government of Maharashtra will validate certificate for OBC, SC and ST category issued from Maharashtra State. It is therefore compulsory for the candidates to submit validity certificate along with category certificate.

5.2       Change of Category to OP

If a candidate is not able to produce required category certificate (OBC / SC / ST) or the certificate is found invalid, his / her category will be changed to OP category. A candidate may become ineligible due to change in category and current seat allotment is liable to be cancelled. However, if the candidate is found to be eligible even after change of category, the candidate may be considered for subsequent allotment rounds, if any, against the vacancies only.
5.3       Physically Challenged (PH) Candidates

�       For physically challenged category, a minimum of 40% disability is required subject to the condition that the candidate is capable of carrying out all activities related to theory and practical work as applicable to B.E./B. Tech./B. Arch. courses without any special concessions and exemptions.

�       Physically challenged candidates shall bring the Physically Challenged (PH) Certificate in the proforma given at the end of Information Brochure.  This proforma shall be signed by three members of Medical Board duly constituted by the State or Central Government under Person With Disability (PWD) Act. One of the doctors in the Medical Board shall be a specialist in the particular field pertaining to the disability. The name, degree, and specialization of all the doctors, date of issue shall be clearly visible in the certificate.

�       The Medical Board at Admission Center or Allotted Institute will assess the Physically Challenged (PH) certificate. Medical Board at Admission Center /Participating institute will submit its recommendations and its decision is final and binding on the candidate.

�       Attention of the PH candidates is drawn to Chapter XI, Section 56 of PWD Act for persons with severe disability. A disability of 80% or more is termed as severe disability. Suitability of such candidates for carrying out all activities related to theory and practical work as applicable to B.E./B. Tech./B. Arch. courses without any special concessions and exemptions, will be examined either by CCB or the allotted institute with the help of Vocational Rehabilitation Center (VRC)/ Medical Board, and the admission of such candidates is subject to the decision of these authorities.

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