Kumbanad is a village situated in the Pathanamthitta district of Kerala state, in India. It is situated on the pilgrimage route to Sabarimala. Kumbanad stretches from Podipara in the West to Muttumon in the East, a distance of over 2 km.
Kumbanad originally was a family name and later became the name of the place
The T.K.Road ( Tiruvalla-Pathanamthitta-Kumbazha Road / SH - 07 ) connects the town to other major towns.
Kumbanad is a Christian center. The world famous Hebronpuram Convention (IPC Convention) is held here annually in the month of January. The largest Kerala brethren (Plymouth Brethren) Conference is held here in the last week of December every year. Kumbanadu (Mar Thoma) Valiapally is the oldest church in the town. The historic 110 years old Koorthamala Orthodox church is only 2km away from kumbanad town. This is one among 5 churchs left in kerala which shares church for both Orthodox and Marthoma. The Bethany Bible School (run by Brethren Assembly) is located in Kumbanad