Quality education has been the major thrust area in educational development in any country. Modern education system started in Sikkim with the advent of Finish Christian Missionaries. The first school was started by them at Khamdong (Rhenok,) Song, and Lachen in 1880. Later one Scottish Missionary Rev. W.S Sutherand visited Sikkim in 1883. Another Scottish Missionary Rev.W.Macfarlane visited Sikkim after two years. The Missionaries got official permission to settle only during 1889. The Finish missionaries who had started the schools handed them over to the Scottish Missionaries .By the second half 19th century, thirteen primary schools had been opened at Vok, Rhenock Pakyong Pache Khani, Namthang, Sadam, Turuk, Chakung, Soreng, Dentam Sang and Phambong. The Scottish Missionary, Rev. William Mac-Faralane had started a Training School called �Normal School� in Darjeeling 1870. The first Sikkimese Student who was then educated in that �Normal School� was Mr. Apun Luksom Basic Training Course( Institute) � Temi