The success of the Outbound Call Centres
depends on the extensive experience, technological solutions, quality
assurance programs and commitment to customer service excellence that
further ensures maximum results from the direct marketing efforts.
The Approach
The integrated call management systems in the outbound call centre
facilities use, systematic calls to consumers and transfer
successful connections to a designated marketing representative (MR)
who is dedicated and has been trained for the specific client
application. As a call is presented to the MR, the consumer's name,
address, and other available information are simultaneously presented on
the MR's workstation along with a client's customized script.
The outbound clients benefit from the rigorous adherence to
highly cost-effective, results-based production and management
processes. The key to success is the thorough understanding of the
business. Having understood the differences between business-to-consumer
and business-to-business telemarketing, the outbound call centers use
experienced management to focus on the unique requirements of each
client and their targeted market - from recruiting to
hiring, training and production.
The qualified personnel employed in the outbound call centres excel in
highly attentive outbound call center service environment. The
well developed and thorough procedures ensure that the
individuals on are prepared and accountable for the success of programs.