The Introduction
The market for web-enabled call center is burgeoning. For the past
decade, computer-telephony integration (CTI) has been one of the hottest
topics to hit the call center, promising reduced call volumes
and handle times, as well as a higher level of customized service.
The global emphasis on electronic commerce and the use of the Internet
as a delivery channel has sparked the development of new CTI
applications that offer tremendous opportunities to call
The Internet provides for a more complete alternative by
supporting a full range of transactions, almost regardless of their
complexity. As its popularity continues to increase, its impact as a
delivery channel will improve dramatically and may
finally begin to stem the tide of demand for live agents. To ensure that
the needs of all users are met, websites must be integrated with the
call center, giving customers a full range of options without completely
eliminating the valuable personal touch.
A web enabled call center improves the e-commerce initiatives by
offering high quality customer service. Various features offered by web
enabled call centers are:
Web Pop that automatically provides CSRs with a pop-up
screen of client's website, intranet or web script.
Web Callback that helps the visitors of the client's
website request a callback from the CSRs by simply clicking and
entering their name, telephone information and time for call.
Web Chat that assists visitors engaged in a live,
two-way text chat directly from client's site to a trained agent.
They can obtain answers to questions or resolve customer service
issues without having to disconnect from the Internet or use a
Web Push allows CSRs to assist client's website visitor
to find out information through guided "browsing."
Email Management this manages high-volume email
inquiries directed to client's mailbox or produced via a Website.
The incoming messages are tracked and provided an appropriate auto
reply message to the customers letting them know that their email
has been received.